By Spinal Stenosis Surgery in India, we understand that it narrows the spine of the human body and it often results in degenerative conditions. If the spinal nerves of the lower back are choked then it is a condition of lumbar stenosis. There are some cases where patients are born with a congenital form; however, most of them develop spinal stenosis as part of the degenerative cascade. These are the cases where the cervical spinal stenosis is slowly in the progressive condition that pinches the spinal cord in the human neck; however, spinal stenosis in the lumbar is a very common problem these days.
How the condition of spinal stenosis can be treated?
The surgeons at all the network hospitals under Spine Surgery India first recommend the patient to undergo for the non-surgical procedures such as follows:
Non-Surgical Treatments
a) Posture: By changing the posture may provide relief from pain while bending, walking, etc. These changes in postures will create more space for nerves and the patient will find easy while walking.
b) Exercise: Exercise will increase the flexibility, strength, and stamina and the patient can do some physical exercises such as swimming, stretching, etc. which helps in regaining the spine stability.
c) Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: The non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin, ibuprofen, indomethacin, etc., will also reduce the inflammation and ease the pain.
If these non-surgical treatments are failed to provide relief from pain and the ability to perform daily tasks then the surgeon will recommend Spinal Stenosis Surgery in India which is the last and best option to get relief from pain.
Surgical Treatments
The following are the surgical treatments to treat the condition of spinal stenosis and these are:
a) Laminectomy: This is one of the most common surgeries which help in treating the condition of spinal stenosis. This is a procedure where the surgeon removes the lamina which is a portion of the vertebra, to make room for the nerves. The surgeon will also remove some ligaments and bone spurs. This surgery requires making an incision into the back.
b) Foraminotomy: This is the area in the vertebrae where the nerve roots exit. In this procedure, the surgeons will expand the area to provide more space for the nerve roots.
c) Spinal fusion: Spinal fusion is a surgical procedure which is performed by surgeons in cases of the instability of the spine. This procedure involves the joining of the bones together by using screws or bone grafts which provide spinal stability. The surgeons generally combined spinal fusion with laminectomy surgery. This surgery lasts several hours and can be performed by using one of the below two methods:
(i) The surgeons will remove the bone from elsewhere in the patient’s body or they can obtain a bone from a bone bank. With this bone, they create a bridge between vertebrae and stimulate the growth of newly inserted bone.
(ii) Another method which the surgeons use is that they implant metals such as rods, screws, hooks, and wires, etc. which secure to the vertebrae to hold them together until new bone grows between them.
Causes to Spinal Stenosis
Spinal stenosis is a condition which occurs when bulging discs, arthritic spurs. And those thickened tissues are combined together to compress the nerves which bypass through the spinal canal.
It has been found that the most common causes of spinal stenosis are the pain. The numbness and tingling in legs due to which patient experience pain while standing or walking. The pain in legs and numbness may inhibit while walking and the patient’s spine may lose the lumbar curve and it looks like flat. This occurs as we tend to bend over slightly while walking up hills and the causes may be less going uphill and worse going down. The patient will find relief while sitting or bending forward.
The herniated disc is a major cause of spinal stenosis. As the soft cushions act as shock absorbers between the patient’s vertebrae. The cracks in a patient’s disc exterior also allow some of the soft inner material to escape and the spinal cords are pressed.
The abnormal growth of the tumors from inside the spinal cord is also a cause. This cause occurs the condition of spinal stenosis. These tumors are uncommon and identifiable on the spine by conducting an MRI or CT scan.
Spinal injuries such as car accidents can cause dislocations or fractures of one or more vertebrae. Wear and tear that has been caused by osteoarthritis on the spinal bones can also prompt the formation of bone spurs that grow into the patient’s spinal canal. The bone disease which usually affects adults can also cause bone overgrowth in the spine.
If you are dealing with the condition of spinal stenosis visit Spine Surgery India for more information and get the best treatment.
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