Cervical Spine Surgery in India Replaces a Diseased Disc by Artificial Disc
The aim of hospitals under Spine Surgery India performing the Cervical Spine Surgery in India is to eliminate the weakness, tingling, numbness, and pain which are linked with the cervical spine. Also, the surgeons at these hospitals perform Cervical Spine Surgery in India to correct the abnormalities of your spine and to help in restoring a proper level of your nerve function.
Cervical Spine Surgery in India is a treatment which is necessary when degenerative disease or deformity occurs in your spine. The degenerative disease is a disease in your spine which will shrink the intervertebral discs that can cause a wearing down of the disc. The case where wearing down of the disc occurs it can lead to disc herniation, which is also known as bulging of the discs. If your spinal nerve is compressed and you experience pain, tingling, numbness or weakness then this condition is known as degeneration. The surgeons at the hospitals under Spine Surgery India will recommend the Cervical Spine Surgery in India to those people who are dealing with the cervical deformities such as swan neck or hyperlordosis. This surgery helps the people to get them straightened and stabilized spine.
According to the study, in some cases, the deformities of the cervical may leave the patient’s neck vulnerable to injury and some injuries may lead to the fracture of the patient’s cervical vertebrae. In such condition, the surgeons recommend undergoing the Cervical Spine Surgery in India which will relieve the pressure on the patient’s spinal cord.
How Does the Procedure of Cervical Spine Surgery India Works?
The surgeons at the hospitals under Spine Surgery India perform Cervical Spine Surgery India by using two methods i.e. (i) Decompression and (ii) Fusion.
Decompression with Fusion is a surgical procedure in which the surgeon will remove those tissues that are pressing against the patient’s spinal cord and this surgery is performed depending on where the tissue is being compressed. The surgeon will use the front (anterior) or back (posterior) approach to treat the condition of the patient’s spine.
To begin with the procedure the surgeon will give the general anesthesia to a patient and then they make around 2 inches of the incision on the right or left side of the patient’s neck. After that, the surgeon will locate the damaged disc by using a fluoroscope and a thin needle which will be inserted to locate the damaged disc so that the surgeon will easily remove the damaged disc that causes pain. Also, the surgeons at the hospitals under Spine Surgery India remove bone spurs which are compressing the nerves.
The spinal cord of the patient gets decompressed after the removal of the disc annulus and nucleus. The spine surgeon will start the preparations for bone graft fusion and they will properly introduce the bone graft into the space between the patient’s vertebrae by using the metal plates and screws to keep the graft in place.
The spine surgeon can also place an artificial disc into the dis space instead of fusion or graft and then they closed and dressed the incisions properly.
Is Cervical Spine Surgery in India is a Safe Procedure?
According to the study, every surgical procedure carries some risk of complications; however, spine surgery is a surgical procedure with a very low risk of complications. The spine surgeons at the hospitals under Spine Surgery India are researching to understand about the death rates of the patients who are undergoing for the Cervical Spine Surgery in India and they found that India is a country where the death rate is a very rare, virtually non-existent complication of neck surgeries in India.
In today’s world, there is a high jump in neck surgeries and 8 out of 10 are dealing with this cause. The spine surgeons at Spine Surgery India hospitals use the advanced and latest techniques to treat the neck problems. The surgeons at these hospitals are highly qualified and skilled professionals who are able to treat around 85% of the neck problems with non-surgical therapies such as medication, yoga, and acupuncture etc. The surgeons consider the surgery to decompress the patient’s nerves and/or stabilize their spine.
The following are some risks and complications stated by spine surgeons while performing the neck surgery and these are:
- At the time of surgery, there are chances where one of the large arteries and veins can be damaged which pass the messages into the brain from the neck.
- The nerves or spinal cord could be damaged while performing neck surgery.
- While performing neck surgery there could be a chance of failure of two vertebrae to fuse together.
- There are chances that displacement of the bone graft will occur before fusion while performing the neck surgery.
The spine surgeon says that some complications can be easily treated with antibiotics; however, others may require a second operation to get the relief from pain.