Endoscopic Surgery treats Spinal Condition by Small Incisions
The Endoscopic Spine Surgery in India is performed to treat spinal arthritis, back pain, sciatica etc. that has been caused by disc herniation and stenosis. Endoscopic Spine Surgery in India is a surgery which reduces spine trauma and preserves spinal strength and stability. This is a procedure where your surgeon will use the endoscope which is a very thin fiber-optic video camera which is inserted into your body through the small incision and the surgeon will perform the surgery by passing the instrument through an endoscope which is used to remove the damaged disc material.
Procedures of Endoscopic Spine Surgery in India
The following are the common procedures of Endoscopic Spine Surgery in India that has been performed by the spine surgeons at all the network hospitals under Spine Surgery India and these are:
a) Endoscopic Discectomy: In this procedure, the surgeon will remove the herniated disc material that causes pain in the patient’s lower back and legs which are lumbar spine, neck, and arms which are cervical spine or mid-back which is the thoracic spine. Endoscopic discectomy is the least invasive and effective surgical procedure for the patients with spinal disc herniation as this procedure will give relief from pain. Endoscopic Spine Surgery in India is a procedure in which the surgeons will not remove the patient’s bones and muscles to remove their herniated discs. In this procedure, the spine surgeon will make use of the camera to view the patient’s spine. Endoscopic discectomy is a procedure where the surgeon will avoid the large incisions; they perform the surgery through small incisions which is about 2 inches. The procedure will take about half-an-hour for a disc herniation and after that, the patient can go home in 2 to 3 hours.
b) Endoscopic Foraminotomy: The spine surgeons at the hospitals under Spine Surgery India perform endoscopic foraminotomy procedure to provide relief from the pressure to spinal nerve roots of the patient’ spine that has been caused by compression from bone spurs, disc herniation, scar tissue, or excessive ligaments.
The spine surgeons will perform the foraminotomy procedure where they enlarge or opens the narrowed spinal nerve root canal to provide the nerves more space to move around without compression. Foraminotomy is a procedure which is mainly recommended to the patients dealing with the pain in their arms and leg. It has been found that this is a procedure where 90% of the patient’s get relief from the arm or leg pain and people who experience tingling, numbness, and burning sensations will disappear immediately after this Endoscopic Spine Surgery in India procedure.
c) Endoscopic Facet Rhizotomy: This is a minimally invasive procedure which is mainly performed to deaden the affected nerves of the patient’s body that has been causing chronic back and neck pain. The spine surgeon first conducts the x-ray and complete the endoscopic rhizotomy without making any damage to the surrounding muscles or soft tissues of the patient’s body like it is performed in traditional spine surgery.
d) Endoscopic Lumbar Laminectomy: This is the best alternative procedure to a traditional or open laminectomy. With the help of this procedure of Endoscopic Spine Surgery India, the spine surgeon can treat the condition of spinal stenosis and it is the least invasive surgery. The lamina is the best part of the bony arch of the vertebra which protects the patient’s spinal cord from the damage
The spine surgeons at the hospitals under Spine Surgery India have found that more than half of the population across the globe is experiencing spinal degeneration and spinal stenosis. These are the conditions where the spinal canal starts narrowing and it will put the pressure on the patient’s spinal nerves that can cause back pain.
The spine surgeon will remove the parts of the lamina, fatty ligaments, bone spurs or herniated disc materials when they perform the laminectomy procedure which gives patient relief on their spinal nerves.
Benefits of Endoscopic Spine Surgery India
Endoscopic Spine Surgery India is a procedure after which the patient can easily walk after two hours of the surgery and can go back to their home on the same day or the day after the surgery. With the help of Endoscopic Spine Surgery India procedure, the nerve root stenosis can also be cured.
The following are some of the benefits of performing Endoscopic Spine Surgery India and these are:
- Endoscopic Spine Surgery India is a procedure which requires only small incisions and minimal scar tissue formation is done.
- There will be less damage to the surrounding muscle and soft tissues.
- Endoscopic Spine Surgery India is a procedure where the patient experiences less pain.
- The loss of blood is less in this procedure as compared to open surgeries.
- There are very rare chances of the postoperative risk of infection.
- The patient will recover fast and return to their regular activities.
- The spine surgeon will perform this surgery as an outpatient surgery.